“ICT as Medium for Advocacy”
How has information and communication technology (ICT) changed educational methodologies since you were in elementary school and now in senior high school? Information and communication and technology, also known as ICT, have shaped educational methods when I was in grade school and now in high school. When I was in grade school, the national anthem was performed every day at a certain time, particularly every morning. But now that I am a senior high student taking classes through blended learning, everything seems different at first. We don't perform the national anthem like we used to; we don't implement it anymore.In concept notes, we usually take notes in a notebook, but now we carry a cellphone most of the time and we take notes on it. We used to carry books and read them, but now numerous resources are available online that we can read right away. When I was in grade school, face-to-face classes were available, but now I take classes through YouTube. Attendance is well